Galante Sociedade de Advogados

The Firm

Acting as a boutique specialized in the areas of Financial and Banking Law and Agribusiness, our focus is on assisting Brazilian clients and foreign investors in business advisory law, both in one-off structured transactions and in the provision of constant legal advice to the legal departments of companies.

The vast, solid and diversified experience of Juliana Galante, as a partner in boutique firms, senior in-house counsel in a multinational company and investment bank, and as a lawyer in a full-service firm, as well as an extremely technical team trained in serving local and international clients, provide personalized, high-level legal assistance according to the needs and business of each client.

We have a senior team that specializes in assisting in-house counsel in their day-to-day activities, including complex financial products, in addition to advising on commercial, financial and capital market operations and foreign investments in Brazil and Brazilian capital abroad.




Juliana Galante

JULIANA GALANTE is the founder of Galante Sociedade de Advogados. Throughout her career, Juliana has worked as a lawyer in law firms, multinational companies and investment banking, specialising in business, financial and banking law in the local and international markets.

Juliana began her career working as a trader in the Trade Structured Finance Department of Cargill Agrícola S.A. and followed working as lawyer in the banking, capital markets and finance law department of a full-service law firm. Juliana then worked as senior in-house lawyer in the Legal Department of Cargill Agrícola S.A. and in the Legal Department of Banco Itaú BBA S.A. After that Juliana worked in the Agricultural Investments Department of MetLife and joined boutique law firms as partner in charge of banking and finance areas.

In 2015, Juliana left her corporate in-house career to undertake the goal of founding her own boutique law firm, with personalized service and close to clients. She was a partner in boutique law firms focused on corporate clients, with the challenge of setting up the new financial and banking area in these firms and her own client portfolio, after having worked for many years as an in-house counsel.

Her successful trajectory led to the founding, in 2018, of GALANTE SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS, where Juliana established her own brand on corporate legal world, representing financial institutions, investment funds, trading companies, agribusiness companies and the forestry sector in the areas of trade finance, commodities finance and agribusiness, banking, structured financing operations, formalization of guarantees, derivatives and debt restructuring.

Given her experience with commodities and trade finance and having worked in the international investment banking area for several years, Juliana expanded and consolidated the activities of GALANTE SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS in advising foreign investors, with the best legal practices and strategic knowledge of the businesses of foreign clients, interested in the Brazilian financial and capital markets, and also to Brazilian clients in their investments abroad.

Juliana holds a degree in Business Administration from the School of Business Administration of Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo – FGV/SP (1995) and in Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP (2000). Juliana holds a Master’s Degree (LLM – Master of Laws) in Banking Law and Financial Regulation from the London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK (2004). Lawyer registered with the Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Section and the Portuguese Bar Association – Lisbon Regional Council. Member of FALP – Federation of Portuguese Language Lawyers and UIA – Union Internationale des Avocats, being a member of the Foreign Investment Commission of FALP and member of the Foreign Investment Commission of UIA.

Fernanda Meyer Pereira

Graduated in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP/2008). Fernanda began her career in full-service law firms, working with litigation and in a multinational company. Subsequently, she was part of teams of lawyers at Banco HSBC Brasil and Banco Itaú BBA S.A., and is currently focused on the area of contracts and financial transactions, including derivatives.

Fernanda Meyer
Flávia Gomes

Flávia Gomes

Graduated in Law from the Ribeirão Preto Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP (2024). Flávia began her career in the public sector, later joining the corporate career. Currently, she works in the area of contracts and financial transactions, including derivatives.


With a postgraduate degree in Administration and Human Resources Management, Rosangela is responsible for the financial and infrastructure management of the office. Rosangela has relevant experience in the corporate market, having previously worked at Credit Agricole, A.T. Kearney and Burson-Marsteller.

Rosângela Reis