With a specialised team, we serve our Brazilian and international clients in the most varied demands of the corporate, financial and agricultural sectors.
Foreign Investments in Brazil and Brazilian Capital Abroad
Agribusiness and Commodities Finance
Forestry/timber investments, Rural Product Certificates (Cédulas de Produto Rural – CPRs) with Financial Settlement (syndicated and bilateral operations), rural credit operations regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil, commodity financing with Agricultural Deposit Certificates and Agricultural Warrants (CDAs WAs) and Rural Product Certificates (CPRs), local and cross border financial operations with agribusiness credit instruments, barter, purchase and sale of rural properties, commodity purchase and sale agreements, financing related to the international flow of commodities, rural leases, agricultural partnerships, collateral monitoring agreements, free lease agreements (comodato), deposit agreements.
Trade finance
Syndicated loans and financing operations involving export prepayments, agribusiness credit instruments such as Export Credit Certificates (Cédulas de Crédito à Exportação), Export Credit Notes (Notas de Crédito à Exportação), collateral sharing agreements and issuance of legal opinions, structured import financing operations, standby-letters of credit, commercial letters of credit, cross border financial operations and regulation of the Brazilian foreign exchange market.